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Location of Robbie's , Estepona

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"Robbie's Restaurant Estepona Spain" - review by Christine & Doug, Calgary, Alberta CANADA

We had a wonderful evening at Robbie's while in Spain on our Honeymoon. The minute you walk in the big door you are taken back into another place in time. The quaint , eclectic collection of memorabilia kept us entranced during our evening. Robbie's personal service along with his staff was
excellent and they made us Canadian's feel at home. The meals were the best we experienced while in Spain. We highly recommend the Sea Bass and the Shrimp cocktail salad. Although this restaurant is a little hard to find it was well worth the SEARCH. If you visit Robbie please tell him HI & Big Hugs from Christine & Doug from Calgary, AB Canada

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  • I must say that from start to finish, I have found everything about Estepona Villas to be a pleasure.Gordon Haining, UK
  • Your admin & directions were spot on, and having used you twice before, we know that your literature is accurate.Kay Brian, UK
  • We really enjoyed our week in Estepona and just wanted to say that it was a pleasure doing business with Estepona Villas.Karen O’Donoghue

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